Most homes in Perth are suitable for adding a second storey addition. These days a second storey addition is added in a light weight format. Our preferred method of constructing second storey additions is by using insulated timber framing. We can make the additional second storey blend seamlessly in with your existing home by using a EPS cladding system such as Master Wall or Orange Board. This is finished with acrylic render (texture coating) and achieves a high R-value of over R4 on the external walls, which along with a BAL rating of 29 and a cyclonic rating of C4 makes an easy choice. But if you prefer a more traditional style there are many varieties of weather boards which can also be used with an insulated wall frame.
It is a requirement to have a structural engineer to provide certification that your home is suitable for a second storey addition. We have built second storey additions on homes that sit on lime stone footings in the past. If your home is on lime stone footings it is likely that you can extend upwards, but you maybe restricted to using Colorbond or Zincalume as roof cover. If your home is on concrete footings and ground slab you should have a choice between a metal or tiled roof.
If you would like any information about adding a second storey addition to your home please contact Clarke Custom Homes today.
T : 0415 523 294